

WHEN: Mon 18 – Wed
“I prefer a church which





Back by popular demand! Fr Stephen Bevans SVD will be one of the keynote speakers at
Mission: one heart many voices 2015.

“Most inspiring talk for a

“Stephen was thoroughly engaging and



Fr Stephen Bevans SVD
Stephen Bevans is a priest of the Society of the Divine Word. Ordained in 1971, he served from 1972 until 1981 as a missionary to the Philippines and is currently the Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD Professor of Mission and Culture at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, where he has taught since 1986.

Fr. Bevans has lectured all over the world, including the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Germany and Italy, and in many places in the United States as well. He is the author of Models of Contextual Theology (1992), An Introduction to Theology in Global Perspective (2009), and, with Roger Schroeder, Constants in Context (2004) and Prophetic Dialogue (2011), and, with Jeffrey Gros, Evangelization and Freedom (2009). He has served as president of the American Society of Missiology (2006) and on the board of directors of the Catholic Theological Society of America (2007-2009).

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Professor Patrick Dodson
Patrick Dodson is a Yawuru man from Broome in Western Australia. He has dedicated his life work to advocating a constructive relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people based on mutual respect, understanding and dialogue.

He is a former Royal Commissioner into the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, former Chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and was co-Chair of the Expert Panel for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians. Patrick is a former Catholic priest.

Patrick lives in Broome with his family, where he is involved in social, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability through his roles as Chair of the Lingiari Foundation, and Executive Chair of Nyamba Buru Yawuru. He is currently adjunct Professor at Notre Dame University Australia.

In 2008, Patrick Dodson was awarded the Sydney International Peace prize for his courageous advocacy of the human rights of Indigenous people and his significant contribution to peace and reconciliation.


Dr Maryanne Loughry RSM
Dr Maryanne Loughry AM is a Research Professor at Boston College, Massachusetts at the Graduate School of Social Work and the Centre for Human Rights and International Justice. Dr Loughry is a Sister of Mercy and the Associate Director, Jesuit Refugee Service Australia she been associated with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) since 1988 commencing work in the Indochinese refugee camps in the Philippines (1988) and the Vietnamese Detention Centres in Hong Kong (1990, 1992–93) as a psychologist and trainer. Dr Loughry is also a research associate of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford where she was the Pedro Arrupe tutor in Forced Migration for over seven years (1997–2004).

Presently Dr Loughry is also a member of the Australian Government’s Minister of Immigration’s Advisory Council on Asylum Seekers and Detention (MCASD) and serves on the Governing Committee of the International Catholic Migration Committee (ICMC). She has conducted research and programme evaluation in numerous refugee and conflict settings including Lebanon, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Syria, Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa and Sierra Leone. In 2010 Dr Loughry was awarded the Order of Australia (AM) for service to refugees and displaced persons.


Mrs Jacqui Remond
Jacqui Remond is a mother of two children under 7, with over fifteen years’ experience as an environmental educator and advocate. She is National Director of Catholic Earthcare Australia, the ecological agency of the Catholic Church in Australia, and now lives in Manly. Catholic Earthcare Australia is mandated, through the activities of research, education, advocacy and outreach to give leadership in responding to Pope John Paul II‘s call for an “ecological conversion” of humanity. Among other things Jacqui is developing partnerships and ecological conversion programs to enable the Catholic Church in Australia to become a leader for ecological sustainability, through the ASSISI Initiative and the NEEN Project.

Jacqui is Convenor of the National Council of Churches Australia Eco Mission Project, the NSW Eco Mission network and represents the Catholic Bishops on the Australian Education Sustainability Alliance and the Justice & Peace Advisory Council in Sydney.


Fr Denis Edwards
Denis Edwards is a Professorial Fellow in the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology of Australian Catholic University, Adelaide campus. He is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide and is involved as a priest in residence in Tranmere parish. He is a member of the national Lutheran–Roman Catholic Dialogue, a member of the national Australian Anglican–Roman Catholic Commission and involved with the SA Council of Churches. Denis has been engaged in some of the international series of conferences on science and theology, which have been co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (Berkeley) and is a member of the International Society for Science and Religion. Recent books include: Ecology at the Heart of Faith; How God Acts: Creation, Redemption and Special Divine Action; Jesus and the Natural World; and Partaking of God: Trinity, Evolution and Ecology.


Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP
Archbishop of Sydney

Conference Panellist and Workshop Presenters

Choose your conversation:

PANELS – four specialised panel sessions held throughout the program focused on four key areas of mission and ministry: Education; Health and Aged Care; Social Services; and Parish Life. These sessions will give opportunity for participants to actively engage and explore more deeply areas of theory and practice, from different perspectives, in the specific area of ministry and work.


WORKSHOPS – workshop streams are being offered for participants to develop their interest, knowledge and capacity and better equip them with strategies and resources for living and leading mission. Workshops will also provide opportunities to network and make connections with others.


FORUMS – an opportunity for participants to be involved in a facilitated conversation with one of the keynote presenters.

(Click on the links below to read their bios)

Ms Julia Abrahams Director of Mission/Chief

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