The program will offer participants opportunities to use their heads, hearts, hands and voices – to learn through their intellectual, emotional, spiritual, practical and social natures. Above all, the conference purpose is to affirm, inspire, nurture and enable participants to “go forth boldly!” (EG 261) living the joy of the Gospel and leading mission.
Choose your conversation:
PANELS – four specialised panel sessions held throughout the program focused on four key areas of mission and ministry: Education; Health and Aged Care; Social Services; and Parish Life. These sessions will give opportunity for participants to actively engage and explore more deeply areas of theory and practice, from different perspectives, in the specific area of ministry and work.
WORKSHOPS – workshop streams are being offered for participants to develop their interest, knowledge and capacity and better equip them with strategies and resources for living and leading mission. Workshops will also provide opportunities to network and make connections with others.
FORUMS – an opportunity for participants to be involved in a facilitated conversation with one of the keynote presenters.
Panel/Workshop/Forum 1:
Monday May 18, 2pm-3.15pm
Choose one of the following:
Panel/Workshop/Forum 2:
Monday May 18, 3.45pm-5pm
Choose one of the following:
Panel/Workshop/Forum 3:
Tuesday May 19, 10.30am-11.45am
Choose one of the following:
Panel/Workshop/Forum 4:
Tuesday May 19, 2.30pm-3.45pm
Choose one of the following:
Conference Endorsed by:
With thanks:
Images courtesy of the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations www.faithatwork2014.com
Conference Partners:
Conference Friends:
Conference Sponsors:
Conference Organisers: